Volunteer pass

Our festival is based in the joy of dancing and socializing!


Organizing this festival takes a lot of effort and we are lucky to have talented volunteers waiting in the wings to help us out.

We welcome on board volunteers who want to help this festival be amazing!

If you’d like to join our volunteer’s team, please press fill out the form and we will contact you very soon.

In return you’ll get a Party Pass (+Taster Classes).


What you’ll have to do:

You will have to volunteer for a maximum total of 5 hours per day for the 4 days of the festival welcoming people at the registration,  setting up the tea party or helping out in the evening events.
You may have to work on Friday and Monday, driving teachers to and from the airport – in that case you must have your own car but we will cover the travel expenses (gas-tolls-etc.).



We ask that all our volunteers

To be happy to contribute to the festival and help the participants!